Welding Manufacturing

Özdalkıran Grup has an innovative approach as well as sectoral excellence in the field of metal processing and welded manufacturing and makes its voice heard with its achievements in this
field. It offers unlimited welding solutions on a wide range of materials such as iron, cast iron, bronze, brass, steel, and aluminum.

Showing superior quality and performance at every stage of industrial projects, Özdalkıran Grup provides fast and effective responses to the demands of the market with customized solutions by keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level. The Company reinforces its position in the industry by developing innovative products and services through continuous technological investments and R&D activities.


Equipped with the latest technology in its workshop, it responds to each welded manufacturing demand with a quality understanding far above sectoral standards. Combining the process initiated with detailed measurements and analyses in the field with the knowledge and experience of its expert staff, it acts with the goal of zero error at every stage from assembly to installation.


By adopting the understanding of customer orientation, it shows the highest level of attention and care in every project detail and realizes the imagined projects in the most perfect way.


Özdalkıran Grup’s mission is to provide solutions that make a difference in the sector with a perfectionist
approach far beyond the demands at every stage of welded manufacturing. In this context, it always
crowns its commitment of trust to its customers with top quality and professionalism